We aim to help make England smokefree by 2030!

We are the second Southampton GP Practice to sign the Smokefree pledge!
By signing up to the pledge, the team at Southampton Woolston & Townhill are committing to:
- Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke
- Ensure smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit
- Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies
New Year Better Health Campaign 2024
Better Health provide tonnes of useful information. This can be:
- Ways to quit
- Alternatives
- Facts about positive effects of becoming smoke free
There is also a NHS Quit Smoking app which tracks your progress and helps you stop smoking for good.
For more information regarding the topics mentioned above then visit their site.

Top 3 Quit Smoking Tips (text from above image):
- Pick a quit date and add it to your calendar
- List your reasons to quit
- Use stop smoking aids to help manage cravings