Could you, or someone you know, be missing out on Pension Credit?
Check your eligibility at or by calling 0800 99 1234
How do I apply?
Pension Credit could give you ,around £3,900 a year, on average, to help, with your living costs if you're over State Pension age and on a low income. Plus., you could gel the Winter Fuel Payment.
Check eligibility
Use the online calculator to, check eligibility and how much you could get.
Have the following information ready
- National Insurance Number
- Information about any income, savings and investments you have
- Bank details
Apply online
Visit to apply online
Alternatively you can call the Pension credit claim line on 0800 99 1234
Wait to hear from us
You will be notified by post when your claim has been assessed.
We are a Veteran Friendly GP practice!
We are now an Armed Forces veteran friendly accredited GP Practice!
This means that, as part of the health commitments of the armed Forces Covenant, we have a dedicated Clinicianwho has a specialist knowledge of military related health conditions and veteran specific health services. This is important in helping ex-forces to get the best care and treatment.
If you are ex-forces, please let your GP know to help ensure you are getting the best possible care.
To find out more, ask your nurse or GP.
We aim to help make England smokefree by 2030!

We are the second Southampton GP Practice to sign the Smokefree pledge!
By signing up to the pledge, the team at Southampton Woolston & Townhill are committing to:
- Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke
- Ensure smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit
- Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies
Shingles eligibility has changed
On the 1st of September 2023, the Shingles National Immunisation Programme changed, and more individuals are now eligible for a free shingles vaccination on the NHS.
You are now eligible if you're:
- 50 years and over with a severely weakened immune system (severely immunocompromised)
- Those aged 18 to 49 receiving a stem cell transplant may also be eligible. Speak to your specialist.
- Turning 65 years old - You'll be eligible from your 65th birthday
- 70 to 79 years of age
Think measles!
Vaccination rates have fallen, and cases of measles are increasing in England.
Any patient with fever and a rash is potentially infectious and should be directed to a side room on arrival.
Isolate anyone presenting with a rash and fever straight away
- measles starts with a 2 to 4 day “prodromal” phase before the rash appears, with coryza, cough, conjunctivitis and a fever
- fever typically increases, to peak around rash onset
- rash generally starts behind the ears, spreads to the face and then expands onto the trunk and can become generalised. The rash is red, blotchy, maculopapular (not itchy) and lasts around 3 to 7 days – the rash is more difcult to spot on dark skin (see images 3, 4 and 5) – Koplik spots may appear around the time of the rash and last for 2 to 3 days so can easily be missed. They are small white or bluish/white lesions on the buccal mucosa. They can be confused with other lesions in the mouth and so their suspected presence is an unreliable marker of measles – the infectious period spans 8 days i.e. cases are infectious from 4 days before rash onset and for 4 full days after – several other common rash illnesses have similar presentations (especially in young children) e.g. roseola, parvovirus infection and scarlet fever, and so identification on clinical features alone may be unreliable
If you suspect measles call your local UKHSA Health Protection Team (HPT) to notify and conduct a risk assessment
- if the patient is calling, advise them to seek medical advice from their GP over the phone or NHS 111, if this is appropriate
- if an in-person review is needed, reception staff should be alerted. The patient should be directed to a side room on arrival
- report to local HPT urgently by phone to facilitate prompt risk assessment and public health action for vulnerable contacts (under 1 year olds, pregnant, immunocompromised). HPT contact details can be found here
- check for epidemiological factors that increase likelihood of measles: – unimmunised status – recent exposure to someone with rash/illness – recent travel – occupation e.g. healthcare worker, nursery worker
- exclude from nursery/educational setting/ work until full 4 days after onset of rash
Check all your staff are fully vaccinated
For patients:
- routinely check vaccination history of patients
- offer vaccine if not fully protected – children should receive 2 doses of MMR, the frst at 12 months of age and the second at pre-school (3 years and 4 months) – there is no upper age limit for receiving MMR vaccines
For staff:
- staff should have documented evidence of two doses of the MMR vaccine or have positive antibody tests for measles and rubella
Visit the NHS webpage for full details on Measles
Consent to See Medical Students
The Old Fire Station Surgery is involved in teaching medical students from the University of Southampton.
Students learn a huge amount from talking to patients and thinking about diagnoses and management. You have a lot to teach them. The student may observe the consultation, lead the consultation while being observed by the GP or talk to you alone and then present your story to the GP.
The students are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as all members of the practice and their code of conduct is set out clearly by the General Medical Council. The student will not be able to make any decision about your care independently. Your problem will always be reviewed by a qualified practitioner.
If you do not want a student present, please tell the receptionist or doctor, we completely respect this decision, and the doctor will be happy to see you alone.
If you are happy to let the student, be involved in the consultation, please let the doctor know.
Thank you for your cooperation.